READ EXODUS 1-2. From his prison cell in Rome, Paul wrote to Timothy, his young comrade, in what was his last epistle. As he closed his letter (2 Timothy 4:9-18), he explained his situation and urged Timothy to be diligent to come quickly (v 9). He asked him to bring Mark (v 11), his coat, and his books (v 13).
In the early nineties, the Lord impressed upon me the importance of reducing the key truths & insights that He was teaching me to writing to help His children in their daily walk with Him. The result was a series of books that were written to flesh out what I was teaching in the six-hour prayer seminar. The books cover a wide area of the Christian life.
The print ministry provides an opportunity for individuals to study on their own or in small groups—either as review or to further their knowledge and understanding of the essentials of the Christian faith: Bible study, prayer, witnessing, stewardship, and walking in the Spirit as a lifestyle. I have generally used a twelve-study format that lends itself to systematic study for either an individual or a small group. During 2002, study groups (Sunday school classes, Bible study groups) have used several of the books as guides for study.
From the beginning, our policy has been not to sell materials, but to depend upon contributions. Most people make contributions, but there are some who either do not, or cannot, make a contribution. This policy has worked and has given us an opportunity to share with many folks.
In order to provide the materials, we need help. The suggested contribution to cover printing and shipping is included in the list that follows.
1. A Christian's Necessary Food. Twelve in-depth studies on how to study the Bible profitably. ($10)
2. Adoration: Prayer as Worship. Twelve in-depth studies on various aspects of praise and worship in prayer. ($10).
3. The Enabler. Thorough study on the Holy Spirit, including how to be Spirit-filled. ($10)
4. Hey! I’m Saved! Designed to help a new believer to get started right, the content deals with ten key areas. Why not get one for each Christian in your family? ($3)
5. Intercession: Prayer as Work. Twelve in-depth studies on how to engage in intercession as a prayer warrior. ($10)
6. The Model Prayer. An in-depth study of the pattern provided by Jesus, Himself, on how to pray. A must for the serious student of prayer. ($10)
7. Notes from My Bible 2nd Editon. 1,000 pithy sayings on the Christian life, favorite poems, tributes to Dad Henry and Mom Troutman. ($10)
8. Spiritual Warfare. Provides biblical information on our enemy, the nature of the warfare, and God’s provision for our protection and victory. ($10)
9. Upper Room Discourse. Fifteen studies to help a believer master John 13-14-15-16-17, a key section of Scripture in which Jesus’ gives final instructions to His disciples just hours before His crucifixion. Excellent to help in understanding the place of prayer and the Holy Spirit in one’s life. ($10)
10. Prayer Seminar Workbook. The basic teaching tool for the prayer seminar ministry. ($6).
11. Prayer Seminar Workbook. An expanded edition (79 pages) that includes content beyond what is taught in a prayer seminar. ($10).
1127 Lakeview Drive
Lynchburg VA 24502-2807
(434) 239-8837 E-mail: [email protected]
How important is it to have such materials to use with your Bible study? Charles Spurgeon encouraged his preacher boys to build a good library even if they had to go hungry! Often God has inspired authors to share in ways that provide deeper insight into areas being studied
In the early nineties, the Lord impressed upon me the importance of reducing the key truths & insights that He was teaching me to writing to help His children in their daily walk with Him. The result was a series of books that were written to flesh out what I was teaching in the six-hour prayer seminar. The books cover a wide area of the Christian life.
The print ministry provides an opportunity for individuals to study on their own or in small groups—either as review or to further their knowledge and understanding of the essentials of the Christian faith: Bible study, prayer, witnessing, stewardship, and walking in the Spirit as a lifestyle. I have generally used a twelve-study format that lends itself to systematic study for either an individual or a small group. During 2002, study groups (Sunday school classes, Bible study groups) have used several of the books as guides for study.
From the beginning, our policy has been not to sell materials, but to depend upon contributions. Most people make contributions, but there are some who either do not, or cannot, make a contribution. This policy has worked and has given us an opportunity to share with many folks.
In order to provide the materials, we need help. The suggested contribution to cover printing and shipping is included in the list that follows.
1. A Christian's Necessary Food. Twelve in-depth studies on how to study the Bible profitably. ($10)
2. Adoration: Prayer as Worship. Twelve in-depth studies on various aspects of praise and worship in prayer. ($10).
3. The Enabler. Thorough study on the Holy Spirit, including how to be Spirit-filled. ($10)
4. Hey! I’m Saved! Designed to help a new believer to get started right, the content deals with ten key areas. Why not get one for each Christian in your family? ($3)
5. Intercession: Prayer as Work. Twelve in-depth studies on how to engage in intercession as a prayer warrior. ($10)
6. The Model Prayer. An in-depth study of the pattern provided by Jesus, Himself, on how to pray. A must for the serious student of prayer. ($10)
7. Notes from My Bible 2nd Editon. 1,000 pithy sayings on the Christian life, favorite poems, tributes to Dad Henry and Mom Troutman. ($10)
8. Spiritual Warfare. Provides biblical information on our enemy, the nature of the warfare, and God’s provision for our protection and victory. ($10)
9. Upper Room Discourse. Fifteen studies to help a believer master John 13-14-15-16-17, a key section of Scripture in which Jesus’ gives final instructions to His disciples just hours before His crucifixion. Excellent to help in understanding the place of prayer and the Holy Spirit in one’s life. ($10)
10. Prayer Seminar Workbook. The basic teaching tool for the prayer seminar ministry. ($6).
11. Prayer Seminar Workbook. An expanded edition (79 pages) that includes content beyond what is taught in a prayer seminar. ($10).
1127 Lakeview Drive
Lynchburg VA 24502-2807
(434) 239-8837 E-mail: [email protected]
How important is it to have such materials to use with your Bible study? Charles Spurgeon encouraged his preacher boys to build a good library even if they had to go hungry! Often God has inspired authors to share in ways that provide deeper insight into areas being studied