READ GENESIS 41-44. For the past three decades and more, my time for the Word and Prayer is early morning. My goal for many years was to be in bed and asleep by 9 p.m. Never use an alarm clock. “Father, when my body is rested, wake me up and I will have time with You.” For me, that is usually 4 a.m. If God is not first in our thoughts in the morning, He will be last in our thoughts all day. I am not mandating that everyone follow this schedule, but I am reminding you to make a practice to begin your day with God.
There are three reasons why I believe in EARLY MORNING PRAYING: 1) THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS. He got up a great while before day” to pray (Mark 1:35). It appears that the watch of the night Jesus used was 3-6 a.m. That’s early morning praying. Remember: PRIORITY. DISCIPLINE. ∫2) Jesus called for early morning praying in The Model Prayer. This truth is packaged in these words: “pray for daily bread.” If you wait until night to pray this, you could have gone hungry all day. 3) SUMMARY PRINCIPLE: GET GOD IN ON YOUR PRAYING. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU’VE MESSED UP YOUR DAY AND THEN BRING THE PIECES FOR HIM TO PUT BACK TOGETHER.
There are three reasons why I believe in EARLY MORNING PRAYING: 1) THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS. He got up a great while before day” to pray (Mark 1:35). It appears that the watch of the night Jesus used was 3-6 a.m. That’s early morning praying. Remember: PRIORITY. DISCIPLINE. ∫2) Jesus called for early morning praying in The Model Prayer. This truth is packaged in these words: “pray for daily bread.” If you wait until night to pray this, you could have gone hungry all day. 3) SUMMARY PRINCIPLE: GET GOD IN ON YOUR PRAYING. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU’VE MESSED UP YOUR DAY AND THEN BRING THE PIECES FOR HIM TO PUT BACK TOGETHER.