Since November 1983, as a feature of the Reflector, I have shared Notes from My Bible-the harvest of forty-seven years of walking with God gathering flowers from many gardens. Clearly understand that these are not original. During the course of my study, I have tried to gather "nuggets" and make note of them. I have found this to be a useful habit which preserves for use many apt sayings and seed thoughts that would have otherwise been forgotten.
Someone has said that there are two kinds of reading-"reading on a sofa and reading with a pencil in hand." I long ago learned to read with a pen or pencil in my hand. Scarcely a day has passed since 1977 that I have not entered some note or notes into my Bible. I never read a book without taking notes for preservation one way or another.
You will grow more deeply interested in your Bible day by day if you will make notes in the margins and on blank leaves of your Bible. Staying in the Word daily is so very important that my advice to believers is that if there are days when you have to choose how to use your time-either praying or reading the Bible-to read the Bible. It is far more important for you to hear what God has to say to you than for God to hear what you have to say to Him. Think about that for a moment. Do you really believe that God speaks out of His Word? It is doubtful that any person will ever become a prayer warrior who does not get into the Word of God on a daily basis. Taking notes will help and you will be surprised at how your prayer life will be strengthened when you develop a working knowledge of the Word of God!
Since November 1983, as a feature of the Reflector, I have shared Notes from My Bible-the harvest of forty-seven years of walking with God gathering flowers from many gardens. Clearly understand that these are not original. During the course of my study, I have tried to gather "nuggets" and make note of them. I have found this to be a useful habit which preserves for use many apt sayings and seed thoughts that would have otherwise been forgotten.
Someone has said that there are two kinds of reading-"reading on a sofa and reading with a pencil in hand." I long ago learned to read with a pen or pencil in my hand. Scarcely a day has passed since 1977 that I have not entered some note or notes into my Bible. I never read a book without taking notes for preservation one way or another.
You will grow more deeply interested in your Bible day by day if you will make notes in the margins and on blank leaves of your Bible. Staying in the Word daily is so very important that my advice to believers is that if there are days when you have to choose how to use your time-either praying or reading the Bible-to read the Bible. It is far more important for you to hear what God has to say to you than for God to hear what you have to say to Him. Think about that for a moment. Do you really believe that God speaks out of His Word? It is doubtful that any person will ever become a prayer warrior who does not get into the Word of God on a daily basis. Taking notes will help and you will be surprised at how your prayer life will be strengthened when you develop a working knowledge of the Word of God!